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نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 04, 2012 6:14 am من طرف adhmhacker

» النظافة
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 21, 2012 1:57 pm من طرف ابراهيم الزيني

» خمسة أشياء قبل النوم
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:37 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

» ترحـــــــــــــــــــــيب رائع
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:35 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

» اهدي لكم توبيكات اسلامية
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:34 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

» ترحيب
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:34 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

» كلمة بسيطة ,
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:34 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

» عبارت ترحيب رومانسية للترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:34 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

» صنـــــــــــاعة الرجـــــــــــــــال
نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 07, 2012 8:33 am من طرف أحمد المجدلاوري!

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نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Empty نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية

مُساهمة  بسمة الأمل الأربعاء ديسمبر 30, 2009 2:55 pm

Education department
Education development center

Training Material
7th grade

Nov. 2009

Model exam (1)

1. Listen to the passage then answer the following questions:
A. True or false:
1. Koko had a bad headache. ( )
2. Koko can't communicate with scientists. ( )

B. Choose:
1. Koko lives in the _____________ . ( Palestine - USA - Jordan )
2. She can use and understand ____________ signs. ( 200 - 2000 - 20 )

2. Listen and answer:
1. Where the dialogue happen? ___________________________________ .
2. Hassan didn't come to school because he was ___________________ (Complete )
3. Is Hassan O.K. now? _________________________________________.

1. What would you say in the following situations?
1. You meet your friend in the morning.
a. Good luck. b. How old are you? c. Good morning.
2. The food isn't good. You feel _____________ .
a. happy b. afraid c. disgusted
3. How's your father?
a. She's fine. b. He's well. c. They are well.

2. Match "A" with "B":
1. Lovely to see you! Please, help!
2. When you go to bed. Oh, it's been a long time.
3. Heba has hurt herself. They're all well.
4. I haven't seen you for months. Pleased to see you too.
5. How's you family? Good night.

3. Complete the following dialogue:

Ali: Good afternoon, _____________ .
Hani: _____________, Ali.
Ali: How are ___________ ?
Hani: I'm ___________ .
Ali: Do you have a pen-friend?
Hani: Yes, I _________.
Ali: What's his ___________ ?
Hani: His name is ___________ .

1. Read the passage then answer the questions:

Palestine is an Arab country. It's in Asia. Although it's a small country, it has many different environments and climates. It has high mountains, hot dry deserts, low valleys fertile plains and a beautiful coast. Palestine's main religion is Islam. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.

1. Complete the following sentences from the passage:
1. Palestine is an ___________ country.
2. Palestine has _____________ environment and climate.
3. Palestine's main religion is __________ .
4. ___________ is the capital of Palestine.

2. True or false:
1. Palestine has a variety of environments. ( )
2. Palestine has no deserts. ( )
3. Palestine is in Africa. ( )

3. Fill from the passage:
1. The opposite of:
big X _________, low X __________, cold X __________, wet X _________ .
2. The underlined pronoun " it " refers to ___________ .

4. Read, think and answer:
1. It's the largest bird in the world. It's the fastest bird on land. But it can't fly. It's ___________. ( ostrich – hen – goldfinch )
2. It's the language of the Holy Quran. People speak it in the countries of the Middle East. And north Africa. It's ______________.

5. Read then put true or false:
1. English is our first language. ( )
2. Deaf people use sign language. ( )
3. Asia, Africa and Europe are countries. ( )
4. The honest boy doesn't tell lies. ( )
5. Chimpanzees hug each others when they are angry. ( )

1. Answer the following questions:
1. Can you drive a car? _________________________________ .
2. Have you ever been to Jerusalem? __________________________________ .
3. What's your father's job? __________________________________ .

2. Classify the following words:

( Asia - Egypt - vulture - Canada - Africa - Palestine - goldfinch - Europe - eagle )
Countries Countries Birds

3. Punctuate:
a. ostriches live in Africa
b. i like apples figs and oranges

4. Re-arrange:
a. are - you - How
b. well - hope - you're - I
c. communicate - We - use - to - language

5. Finish the paragraph with:

( language - happy - someone - words )
You can use ____________ or body ______________ to show you are ________ when you meet ______________ .

Words and structures
1. Finish the sentences:

communicate - expressions - feed - continents - Deaf

1. Africa, America and Asia are ____________ .
2. The baby can't _____________ himself.
3. We use the telephone to _____________ with people.
4. There are six basic _____________ .
5. __________ people use sign language to express their feelings.

2. Chose the correct answer:
1. My father is _________ a newspaper. ( read - reading - reads )
2. He __________ tired. ( look - looks - looking )
3. He is doing homework __________ . ( herself - itself - himself ).
4. A teacher is a person __________ teaches students. ( who - which - where )
5. Ahmed __________ to school everyday. (go - goes - going )
6. __________ I have just eaten, I am still hungry. ( or - but - although )
7. Majed didn't go to work __________ he was ill. ( but - and - because )

3. Correct the underlined mistakes:
1. Leila and Soha live near themselves. ____________
2. Farmers is palnting rice now. ___________
3. Mona and Heba reads stories every week. _____________
4. We start school on September. ____________

4. Odd one out:

a. myself ourselves himself herself
b. cleaned eaten washed picked
c. Arabic Chinese Russian football

Model 2


1. Listen to the passage then answer the questions:
A. Choose:
1. Ali and Rami ___________. ( brothers - friends - cousins )
2. They went to the ____________ . ( school - market - bookshop )
3. The book was ___________ . ( cheap - big - expensive )

2. Listen and tick true or false:
1. They bought a vase. ( )
2. The book is about sports. ( )


1. What would you say in the following situations?
1. When you meet your friend.
a. How are you? b. Goodbye. c. Get well soon.
2. When you ask your friend about his family.
a. How are you? b. How is your father? c. How is your family?
3. When you like the smell of the soup.
a. It tastes good. b. It smells bad. c. It smells good.

2. Match "A" with "B":

1. When you meet a tourist, you say: I'm well, thanks.
2. It's nice to see you. Welcome in Palestine.
3. When you leave someone. Me too.
4. When a friend asks: how are you? Goodbye.

3. Complete the following dialogue:
Ben: Good morning, __________ .
Omar: ____________, Ben.
Ben: Have you ever been to England?
Omar: Yes, ___________ .
Ben: How long did you ___________ .
Omar: I stayed ten ___________ .
Ben: Goodbye, Omar.
Omar:____________, Ben .


The ostrich is the largest bird in the wild. It grows to 2.5 meters high. It isn't a very intelligent bird. Its brain is smaller than its eyes. The male has black feathers and the female has brown feathers. Ostriches live in the wild in many parts of Africa. Ostriches live for 40 years or more. The female ostrich produce 40 – 50 eggs a year.

1. Answer the following:
A. True or false:
1. The male ostrich has brown feathers. ( )
2. Ostriches live for 40 years or more. ( )
3. Ostriches live in many parts in Asia. ( )
4. It grows to 2.5 meters high. ( )

B. Fill from the passage:
a. The meaning of: largest = ------------------- .
b. The opposite of male X -------------------- .
c. The underlined pronoun "It" refers to -------------------------- .

C. Answer the following questions:
1. Is the ostrich intelligent bird?
________________________________________________ .
2. Does the female have brown feathers?
__________________________________________________ .
3. Where does it live?
__________________________________________________ .
4. Do you think the ostrich is a useful animal? Why?
___________________________________________________________________ .

2. Read, think and answer:
It is a machine. We use it to take photos. It is a ______________ .
( camera - keyboard - TV )


1. Answer the following questions:
1. Can the ostrich fly?
_______________________ .
2. What's your favourite sport?
3. How many basic expressions are there?
_________________________________ .

4. Classify the following words:

( good - shop - make - bite - large - strong - school - desert - produce )

Names Verbs Adjectives

5. Write the plural of the following names:
1. a girl _____________ 2. an ostrich _______________
3. a child ____________ 4. a tooth __________________

6. Punctuate the following:
1. ali asked how are you
2. i love my friend hassan
3. she is omars sister

7. Complete the paragraph using the information in the table:

Name Age Grade Favourite subject Sport

English & Arabic

Jamal is ____________ years old. He is grade __________ . His favourite school subjects are ___________ and _________ . He likes to play __________ after school.

Words and structures
1. Finish the sentences:

( environment - watch - job - king - huge )
1. The __________ lives in a palace.
2. My father's ____________ is a teachers.
3. The elephant is a ___________ animal.
4. We use the ___________ to tell the time.
5. Palestine has various _______________ .

2. Choose the correct answer:
1. I have ___________ here for ten years. ( live - living - lived )
2. She __________ walked for an hour . ( has - have - is )
3. He has been ___________, so he is hot now. ( run - running - ran )
4. I _________ painted the door yet. ( hasn't - haven't - don't )
5. Rania __________ her aunt last week. ( visited - visiting - visits )

3. Correct the underlined mistakes:
1. Ahmed go to school yesterday. ____________
2. Ali have broken the window. _____________
3. I have lived in Khan Yunis for 2003. __________
4. Ali was ill because he didn't go to school. ___________
5. A doctor is a person which works in a hospital. _____________

4. Odd one out:
1. Iraq Palestine Gaza Jordan
2. he she they myself
3. written helped watched walked

Model 3

1. Listen to the following dialogue and answer the questions:

A. True or false:
1. Emad is majed's brother. ( )
2. Emad is coming to Palestine on Thursday. ( )

B. Listen and write the following:
1. A name of a country: _______________
2. A name of a day: _______________

1. What would you say in these situations:
1. What nationality are you?
a. I live in England. b. I'm Palestinian. c. I can speak English.
2. What's your favourite food?
a. Muskhan. b. Gaza. c. science.
3. You want your friend to help you.
a. Can you help me. b. Can I help you. c. Can I use your mobile.

2. Complete the dialogue:

Tamer: Welcome to Egypt, where are you ___________ .
Visitor: I'm from _____________ .
Tamer: Oh, you are Australian. Is this your first __________ to Egypt.
Visitor: Yes, it is my first visit.
Tamer: What did you ___________ in Egypt.
Visitor: I saw the ______________ .


1. Read the passage then answer the questions:
The river Nile is the largest river in the world. It's 6670 kilometers long. It is the heart of the ancient Egyptian civilization. There are a lot of beautifule placed around the river Nile.

A. Choose:
1. The river Nile is ___________ . ( short - long - big )
2. It is _____________ kilometers. ( 6570 - 6660 - 6770 - 6670 )
3. The underlined pronoun It refers to ____________ .

B. Find in the passage:
1. The meaning of "very old" is _____________ .
2. The opposite of "shortest" is _____________ .

1. Answer the following question:
1. Can you speak English?
________________________ .
2. Do you like tea or coffee?
________________________ .
3. What grade are you in?
________________________ .
4. Where do you live in Palestine?
_________________________ .

2. Classify the following words:

( Friday - Summer - Winter - January - Monday - May - spring - March - Sunday )

Days Months Seasons

3. Punctuate the following sentences:
1. his name is ahmed
2. iman huda omar and salma are palestinians
3. is your birthday in october

4. Re-arrange the following:
1. like - banana - I
_____________________________________ .
2. Egypt - is - The - in - Nile
_____________________________________ .
3. want - drink - to - something - I
_____________________________________ .

Words and structures

1. Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

( battle - between - rich - Sudan - Dam )
1. The river Jordan is __________ Palestine and Jordan.
2. The ____________ is a country in Africa.
3. He is ___________. He has a lot of money.
4. Hittin is a great ____________ .
5. The High ___________ is in Egypt.

2. Correct the underlined mistakes:
1. While I was reading, the telephone ring. ( _____________ )
2. Awni watch TV last night. ( ___________ )
3. I has eaten my breakfast before I went to school. ( ___________ )
4. We was studying when my father came. ( ______________ )

3. Circle the odd one out:
1. river sea lake desert
2. Sudan Syria Cairo Palestine
3. Asia Africa Britain Europe

4. Choose the correct answer:
1. I was _____________ when my brother came. ( sleeping - sleep - slept )
2. They _____________ this school 10 years ago. ( build - builds - built )
3. The Nile is the _____________ river in the world. ( long - longer - longest )
4. Yesterday I __________ to the market. ( go - gone - went )
5. They were swimming ___________ they saw the crocodile. (finally - when - while)
6. They didn't see the pyramids _________ they arrived in Egypt. (next - then - until )

The listening models:
Model 1
1. Koko is a gorilla that lives in the USA. She can use and understand two thousand signs to communicate with scientists. She was able to tell them that she had a bad toothache.

2. Hassan: Hello, teacher.
Teacher: Hello, Hassan. EHy didn't you come to school yesterday?
Hassan: I was ill.
Teacher: Are you O.K. now?
Hassan: Yes, I am well.


Model 2
1. Ali and Rami are friends. They went to a bookshop yesterday. They bought a book. It was expensive. The book talks about sports.


Model 3
Majed: My brother, Emad, is coming back to Palestine.
Omar: Great! I'd like to meet him. When is he arriving ?
Majed: Next Friday.
بسمة الأمل
بسمة الأمل

عدد المساهمات : 14
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/12/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

نماذج تدريبية للصف السابع في مادة اللغة الانجليزية Empty مشكوووووووووووووووووور

مُساهمة  ابا اسلام الإثنين مارس 01, 2010 10:21 am

ابا اسلام
ابا اسلام

عدد المساهمات : 251
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/12/2009
العمر : 27

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